TROL 1001


lollollol, latest post 13 Nov, it seems like a reasonable goal for me is to try to blog once every 6 months rather than everyday…Oh well, I’ll try every month and see what happens.

Last time I posted something here was more than a term ago. Since then, a lot of stuff happened and I am glad I already posted two entries because I really enjoyed reading them 8 months later and remembering all the important stuff that is to be remembered. To give myself and potential readers some context, it is Spring tri, I just got out of my 7:10AM class and I am in the library like the typical good student that studies (or not) during his spare time. They are many things I need to talk about today and I will get started right away.

Soooo lets start with school, and by that I don’t mean to talk about those letters professors give at the end of the term that students think assess their value as human beings but rather to talk about the social experience and how it may or may not have made me grow as a person. This Winter trimester, I really realized how irrelevant working was if you don’t put all you efforts in it. At some point in life, we all wrote sloppy last minute essays and I am certainly not an exception to that rule. However, over the past 3 months (thanks to my very lovely brother towards whom I am sincerely grateful) I was expected to produce work of very high quality and I did not have any alternative but to sit for many hours, pay attention and put as much effort as I could to come up with the best result I could have. For some reason, it reminded me of the old days in High School when I used to pay attention to the work I would hand out and it motivated me to go back to those good habits.

Second important thing, I went to Guatemala. So far, this trip has been the most formative experience I have ever had. I came back a week ago, and now, nothing makes sense to me anymore and I am really confused. I am not sure whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, but what I know for sure, is that my eyes are now open to a new perspective on life, and even though I have seen poverty countless times back in Morocco, living with people that struggle and understand how they think and how they deem important helping each other in their communities just shocked me at a degree where I feel miserable for people that live a Capitalistic kind of lifestyle, that are not close to their family, that have very weak social connections with their friends and relatives and that only think about themselves at the end and I am pretty sure this is one of the longest sentences I have written since I left Morocco.

Back to the fun. Remember that person that I was obsessed with in the previous post ? Well I think it is a huge relief for me that fortunately, I managed to break away from that emotional prison and that I can finally think about stuff without having this person popping in my head every second. Although every now and then, my trolling friend teases me and reminds me of her, I think it is pretty much a page that I turned that involved many mistakes in terms of social behavior and judgement, and I hope that I will learn from these mistakes in order to go forward.

LOLWAT, 600 words, that’s what we call in Arabic “9allat chghoul” or “the-lack-of-a-better-thing-to-do-in-your-life-that-will-serve-a more-or-less-relevant-purpose” Again it feels good to let all those things out and I will hopefully be back here soon.

Nayda l7am o/

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